

Basic types of  ventilation

Gravity ventilation

  • The easiest and the most affordable system of the air exchange in the buildings
  • Waisted air is suck out from the inside under the influence of the air pressure difference between the inside and the exit of the venting channel.
  • Fresh air is supplied by the micro gaps in the windows and doors or by the dedicated air outlet grill.
  • No control ability, ventilation intensity depends on the atmospheric conditions.



 1. Extract flow          2. Gaps

HybrId ventilation

  • The combination of the mechanical and gravity ventilation .
  • Mechanical ventilation is supposed to support gravity ventilation depending on the demand or on the atmospheric conditions when the air exchange based on the gravity ventilation is not sufficient.
  • Possible partial control.


1. Extract flow       2. Supply flow       3. Gaps


Mechanical ventilation - recuperation

  • This is an advanced mechanical ventilation system with recuperation which enables retrieving the heat back from the extract air.
  • It is effective, ecological solution assuring the highest comfort and fresh and clean air in the building.
  • System controls quality and conditions of the air inside the building.
  • It is well approved in the air tight passive houses.



1. Extract flow         2. Supply flow - inlet


Sufficient ventilation

Sufficient ventilation in the buildings provides healthy microclimate and good quality of the air in the rooms.


Correctly working ventilation removes out from the interior: CO2, water vapour, CO, smells, smoke, etc. Prevents mildew growth and other damages caused by the damp.

Properly functioning ventilation does not cause uncontrolled air runs and reduces the need for heat energy thanks to the controlling ability of the venting efficiency, which makes it possible to increase or decrease the exchange of air as required.


  • Fresh, oxidized air free of bad smells and pollution.
  • Adjustable ventilation force, energy saving, noise reduction.
  • No draughts and heat loss, proper air circulation.
  • Good feeling, ease of concentration, healthy air in the building.


Unsuficient ventilation

Unsuficient ventilation causes cumulation of the unhealthy substances in the air and leads to the unhealthy building syndrom.

There are many dangerous substances that may exist in the air that may influence people’s health and their feeling. The most dangerous are water vapour and car+bo oxygens. Their high density in the air make headache, feeling of being tired, respiratory system diseases.

Unsufficient ventilation impacts on the construction of the buldings, causes damp on the substrates, on the thermal insulation and the mildew growth.

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  • Too big quantity of the water vapour, carbo oxygenes and other gases.
  • Mildew growth, allergens cumulation, viruses
  • Higher relative humidity of the air - water vapour condensation.
  • Bad feelings, diseases.

See also


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