
In accordance with the regulations included in the Polish Standard PN-EN 1991-1-3, owners of buildings are obliged to ensure security to the buildings users, as well as to outsiders as far as the snow sliding down from roof slopes is concerned. The aforementioned standard precisely states the rules and the nurmer of protecting elements which are supposed to be installed on a roof slope.  

mapa Polski_strefy


Snow-stopping grates and logs

The position of snow-stopping grates and logs brackets for particular zones:


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  • Two rows of snow-stopping grates are recommended to be positioned in case of roofs which slope length is bigger than 6,5 m.

  • For roofs which angle is bigger than 40° and the slope length bigger than 8 m, two rows of snow breakers are recommended to be installed.


Snowstop – snow breaker

Snowstops are an alternative solution in terms of snow protection for snow-stopping grates and logs. In order to make their work effective, it is recommended to dispose them on the entire roof slope surface, while their disposal and quantity depend on a roof angle and the snow zone in which a particular building is located. The table presented below shows a precise nurmer of snowstops for 1 m2 of a roof slope in dependence on an angle and the load value of snow on the roof.

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The table indicates the suggested number of supports on metal tile and flat roof covers depending on the angle of slope and rafter length. pcs./ snowstopping grate.

*The final decision about the scope of snow protection should be made by the site manager with reference to the architectural design.


The table indicates the suggested number of supports on ceramic and concrete tile covers depending on the angle of slope and rafter length. pcs./ snowstopping grate.

*The final decision about the scope of snow protection should be made by the site manager with reference to the architectural design.

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