The geotextile Eurovent GEOTEX is made of thermosetting polypropylene continuous fibres, stabilized against UV rays. Used in the construction of sports fields, sidewalks and bicyclepaths, as well as vertical drainage, drainage, irrigation-systems and draining pipes. It’s unique structure and technology stabilize soil, separates ground layers, provides excellent filtrationand protects other construction materials against damage.
The geotextile Eurovent GEOTEX is designed for use in construction of sport fields,pavements and bike paths. It can also be applied as drainage layer in foundation wallsdrainage or as separating layer in construction of driveways, pavements, parking lots, forestroads and bike paths. When used as filtration layer, the product ensures long-term filteringperformance useful especially for planting greenery on river banks and by water reservoirs,enhancing irrigation systems by streets and roads and preventing the wash-out of sandduring paving works. Suitable for application with vertical drainage layer, irrigation systems aswell as draining pipes.