The sealing tape
The sealing tape Eurovent GEO BAND is made of thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) and polyesterfabric. The product is designed for sealing settlement joints and welds in walls and floors of all types of buildings.
The sealing tape Eurovent GEO BAND is designed for use as sealing tape for settlement joints,corners of walls and floors, edges and building constructions. Applied in areas exposed toincreased stress or inflows of moisture such as terraces, foundation walls, underground andabove-ground concrete constructions, balconies, pools, toilets, bathrooms, kitchens, carwashes and flat roofs. The surfaces subject to sealing should be even, stable and free fromdirt. In case of doubt as to the quality of the substrate to which the tape is to be mounted, anadhesive test should be carried out.The tape can be installed with the use of bitumen-based or acrylic-base dispersions.
Foundation foil
The sealing tape